While I have had good experiences over all with the Autodesk
2015 products, as with any software there were fixes along the way. Here are my discoveries of some of those
obscure and maybe not so obscure.
AutoCAD 2015 Cursor trails: Moving your cursor along would leave pixels
everywhere. Turning off Hardware Acceleration
would clear up the problem. Install the
Service Pack and you can turn Hardware Acceleration back on.
Plant 3D 2015 Extension 1: The Plant developers
are not waiting on new releases to give more functions in P3D. However, the Extension 1 was not compatible
with AutoCAD Service Pack 2. You cannot
even install the SP2 for a particular vertical, such as AutoCAD MEP, without it
affecting P3D. But, there is a fix that
fixes the fix that broke the Extension 1.
After installing any AutoCAD 2015 SP2, run the .BAT file.
AutoCAD Electrical 2015: The error could come
with several messages. The main one I
have seen is: Unhandled Exception
C06D007E(Delayload “acewstr.dll” Module Not Found) at address FCFA940Dh. Just running a Repair or Reinstall will not help. The fix is to uninstall the Microsoft Access
database engine 2010 and reinstall from the install path, and may be a
variation depending on install method:
…\...\Autodesk AutoCAD Electrical 2015\3rdParty\AceDataEngine\x64\AceRedist.msi.
Recap 2015: Will not open a .FLS file
format: While the File of Type shows it,
an error will keep coming up that says it isn’t a supported file type or is
corrupted. You will need to install the
Faro Scene 5.3 SDKs and register new DLLs.
This is done all manually, in that there is no MSI to run to fix it up.

Multiple Suites Install: Most of you probably will not run into this,
but in my world it is standard business to need to install multiple
suites. If Factory Design Suite is one
of yours, install it first. When you
install it, the Application Manager will want to update a lot of the
applications. Don’t do it until you are
finished with the other suites. I have
found that, for example, reinstalling a suite or the subsequent suite install
will want to install the BIM360. But if
it is already upgraded, the install will message that a newer version is
already installed and then close out, without installing the applications
needed. The fix if this happens, is to
go back and uninstall all the BIM360s.