
February 23, 2012

Navisworks and Revit Worksets

Sorting the objects in Navisworks based on Properties such as System Classification or System Type as assigned by Revit MEP is a common practice.  The sorting is used in Clash resolution as well as Timeliner and for visualization.  However, at times even the System sorting is too ‘comprehensive’ and since the model was organized by Worksets, why not use Worksets then as our Filter property?  Be prepared to analyze your Workset data in Navisworks to determine what the appropriate value to filter will be.  The Navisworks exporter from Revit converts the Workset data to Integer values.  For an example, the default Workset1 “appears” to always come over as the integer <0> (zero).  (NOTE:  I wrote ‘appears’ because, so far, every test I have done it has set the Workset1 to the integer zero.  But I don’t want to say it will do this each and every time, until such time that I am convinced it will.)
For my examples below, I have an NWC written from RMEP with the standard worksets: Shared Levels and Grids –and- Workset1.  While in the Revit model, I created three more worksets: Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing and modeled the systems shown with their respective Workset active.  When I exported the model to Navisworks,
I used the settings to write out all the parameters and properties information. 
Once in Navisworks, I set my selection resolution to “To First Object”.  I found this to be the most reliable over the setting “To Last Object”.  I could get a totally different integer for “Last Object” when compared to “First Object”.  See the follow pics for reference.

Selected a toilet within the Plumbing workset.
Selection resolution set "To First Object", WorksetID = 369

Same toilet selection in Workset Plumbing.
Selection resolution set "To Last Object", WorksetID = 241

Using 'Find Items' to build a SearchSet,
based on the "Last Object" WorksetID, I do not get highlighted
all the objects that I know are in the Plumbing workset

Using 'Find Items' to build the SearchSet,
based on the "First Object" WorksetID, my entire Plumbing
workset highlights as expected

Little different when it comes to the Cable Trays.  Selection
based on either "First Object" or "Last Object",
same WorksetID = 368

But, the Panel acts differently.  Set to "First Object",
WorksetID = 368

When the Panel selection is set to "Last Object",
WorksetID = 276

Within my Revit MEP Project, I have five worksets.  But, with the export to NWC,
I now have 18 WorksetID designation.  Consequently, you will need to examine the
WorksetIDs to determine which integer corresponds to the named workset from your Revit project.


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    1. Revit MEP 2013 Update: The actual workset names from the RMEP are gathered now under the tab: ELEMENT. The tab WORKSETID still shows an interger value. The linked in arch model still only has the tab for WORKSETID and equals an interger value.


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